Development of ongoing projects
Italian Emigration Museum online
Enrichment of existing entries with additional insights into various topics
Emigration Bulletin
Completing the scanning of the magazine Emigration Bulletin.
Museum Didactics
Development of museum education activities with schools in the Lucca area.
Workshops and guided tours
Elsewhere. Journal of history and interculture.
Online publication of Nos. 13 and 14.
Series "The Foundation Notebooks"
Publication of the following volume:
P. Paradisi, The Steam of Saxony ran like the wind Stories of Lucchese emigration from the Papers of the Pia Casa of Lucca (in press)
New projects
Event organization on the occasion of EXPO 2015
Commissioned by the Council of Tuscans Abroad-Office of the Region of Tuscany since Realized, the exhibition presents the history of Tuscan dining around the world from the pioneering origins of the restaurants of our emigrants to the most modern and refined forms of gastronomy and catering that have made us famous and in the world and proud of our products spread as a distinctive character of Tuscany: oil and wine.
The "100 Years of Tuscan Flavors in the World" Exhibition. was inaugurated in Lucca on September 12 then was exhibited in Milan as part of initiatives related to the EXPO
In digital form it was exhibited at DESCO in Lucca in November and December.
March 7, 2015
Piazzolla Prize
Organization of the awarding event for the Piazzolla Prize, an award given to personalities from the world of culture who have been active in promoting cultural exchanges between Italy and Argentina. The 2015 edition saw the awarding of Prof. Leonello Puppi, distinguished art historian. The award ceremony was attended by the Argentine Ambassador to Italy.
This was followed by a piano concert for four hands with music by Astori Piazzolla.
May 16, 2015
Participation in the Tuscany Region Amico Museo and Museum Night event,
with the presentation of Michele Cecchini's book, For the love I love you.
Performance by the Maggianti company of Gorfigliano
Tasting of typical products
August 29
Night opening of the Museum
Theatrical performance by La Ribalta Company of Gallicano
Collaboration at events, etc.
Participation in PIC 2015 As the lead institution of the Museums of the Plain of Lucca
Lucca Realization Exhibition "Yesterday and Today, Migrant Men and Women."
(at meeting on volunteerism)
Loro Ciuffenna Exhibition Realization "Tuscan Emigration in the World."
Realization Exhibition Yesterday and Today, Migrant Men and Women.
Collaboration in the making of the documentary "Revelstoke, a kiss in the wind." by Nicola Moruzzi, in competition at the Saturday, Dec. 12, International Documentary Festival "Visions from the World" in Milan.
MEI - Emigration Museum Rome
Perdura our collaboration with the display of about 200 pieces
Collaborations on research activities
Numerous collaborations with scholars from both Italy and abroad
Open for 36 hours per week
Digitization of paper documents with contribution of CIP funding
Document filing
Communication plan
Drafting and sending dedicated event press releases and contacts with newsrooms.
Curating and updating the Foundation's website and creating a dedicated Facebook page through which to convey planned activities.